Brindala -- Washington -- J.S. Jayaram, M.D. -- Success and Peace from Holistic Living
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Meditation Instructions:

1. Position: Take a comfortable position -- you can be sitting or lying. You can also sit or recline on comfortable furniture if you prefer. Your head, neck, and back should be aligned as best as possible.

2. Breathing: Consciously fill your lungs from top to bottom with each breath. Start by breathing in on a count of 1 and out on a count of 1. Then breathe in on a count of 1,2 and out on a count of 1,2. Then breathe in on a count of 1,2,3 and out on a count of 1,2,3... Continue to increase the count until you find a pace which is most relaxing for you.

3. Mantra: A mantra is a word or short phrase which you can use to focus your mind. You will repeat this silently during part of the meditation when you are instructed to do so. Choose something uplifting and/or inspiring to you. You can choose a word or phrase in any language. It can religious or spiritual if you prefer. It can simply be something positive for you.

Meditation Recording:

For a sample recording of a guided meditation visit the YouTube Channel.

East-West Counseling & Meditation -- Modern Preventive Medicine -- Himalayan Philosophy -- Penn & Stanford Expertise
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