Article XLIII: Dealing with Adharma Often times in life we act in a way or make a decision, which is not in accord with our duty, righteousness, or dharma. It becomes most challenging if we had an inner conflict before acting, but we did not follow our best judgement for whatever reason. How does one face the difficulties of acting in a way, which conflicted with our inner-Self and dharma? The Vedantic approach rings true through the old adage of "learning from your mistakes." When we act in way that conflicts with our dharma, we can often realize that in retrospect. There may be some benefit by considering the mistake for some time, but it becomes detrimental as the mistake causes our mind to dwell on the past, which detracts from our peacefulness. It is important to learn from a mistake, consider what the action should have been, and strive to follow dharma in the future based on the inner-Self. This inner-Self or Atman is one and the same as Brahman, the universal, supreme Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss that is beyond space, time and causation (karma). As the Upanishads declare, Ayam Atma Brahman - This Self (Atman) is Brahman. |