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Article CXV: Infinite Nature of the Divine

In numerous perspectives of the Divine, across religions, philosophies, theologies, etc., the Divine is considered to be infinite. Theologians often use the terms "Divine" and "mundane" to distinguish between the Divine and that which is not Divine. "Real" and "unreal" as well as "Truth" and "non-truth" are also terms commonly used to describe the Divine and that which is not Divine, respectively. The Gita distinguishes between the "Real" and the "unreal" in Chapter II, Verse 16. Vedanta asserts that the Divine is beyond space, time, and causation. Therefore, the Divine is infinite, beyond all conception of space. The Divine is also eternal, beyond all conception of time. Furthermore, the Divine is not bound by causation. The karmic principles of cause and effect do not alter the Divine. The Gita will continue to describe the Divine nature of the Self within, which can ultimately be realized. The Gita will also continue to describe the path to that realization. The realization is enlightenment itself -- infinite, eternal peace and bliss.

Gita Full Text:

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter II -- Translated by Swami Chinmayananda

16. The unreal has no being; there is no non-being of the Real; the truth about both these has been seen by the Knowers of the Truth (or the Seers of the Essence).
17. Know That to be Indestructible by which all this is pervaded. None can cause the destruction of That --- the Imperishable.
18. They have an end, it is said, these bodies of the embodied-Self. The Self is Eternal, Indestructible, Incomprehensible. Therefore, fight, O Bharata.

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